Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'm so sleepy

I meant to write last night, but I got home from work around 4 and I was home alone. So I had a snack and seperated the mail. I talked to Joanne and Greg on the phone and took a nap. A nap that I just woke up from about 1/2 hour ago.(Its 5:30am) I slept 11 hours and could go back to bed. But heres the know the thing? There is always a thing, its never just out there, there is always a thing with it. ok here is the thing, so far I feel the same as if I only got 5 hours of sleep. Sleep 11 feel like you got 5. You know, I don't have to feel perfect and I can deal with a little pain here and there, but I do need to be awake to live my life.....I have a physical May 1st.

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