Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm getting smaller

Ok its slow, but so far I've lost 13.4 lbs. I only have 89.8 lbs to go. I know thats seems large, but think of how much I had to lose when I started. I hope some thin person picks it up along they way. I am a little concerned about lent, but I can't quit now, so it will be alot of stir fried vegetables and fish since I am not a big tuna fan. (I have a great stir fry recipe) What amazes me the most is that I am not craving anything I used to eat. If someone said you can have anything you want, I don't even know what I would pick. I guess they are right about taking the cravings away......Go South Beach!

Monday, January 01, 2007


OMG! for 20 years now Valentines day comes and goes without any acknowledgement from my loving spouse. I have always gotten the kids stuff, a little animal with candy or whatever, and for years I included him until one day I said no more, he doesn't get me anything, I'm not getting him anything. So after some conversation that I can't remember correctly, he is amazed and says I must be mistaken, that he must have gotten me something for Valentines day. I asked my daughter, she said I think he brought you flowers once, but I don't know if it was for valentines day, I ask my son, he doesn't remember, he vaguely remembers him bringing flowers home for something. and my loving husband says "I can't believe I could be that insensitive for all these years" I can't stop laughing, although I am speechless.


Its a new year, which means you get another chance at life. A new start. Your slate has been made clean. Its kinda like confession. You can make a break, or whatever it is you need to do. So here is a list in writing of things I want to do.

1) lose weight
2) take time to practice my instrument routinely.
3) visit my dad regularly.
4) get my daughter into college
5) get my son his drivers license
6) paint my kitchen cubboards
7) remodel my bathroom
8) get healthy

9) pray regularly
10) Get a passion for life

Ok, lets talk about number 10, shall we? My sister walked in my house and said, you know what are problems is? (which one I thought) we don't have a passion. I thought for a second and said "you are right". That was easy. Now that we have identified the problem, we can make a plan to solve it. You see, my mother had a passion for life, when she wanted to do something or learn something she was driven until she did it. This includes painting a picture, playing an instrument, losing weight or whatever. She loved life and learning and here we are like lumps, fat and depressed and trying to figure out what the heck the problem is. So you see number 9 and 10 are closely related. We have started praying that the Lord will give us that passion that we are lacking. So please if you begin to notice a change, let me know.