Wednesday, June 21, 2006
My mother has come to both of my children in a dream. I know this because of the way the dream happened with Mike. He dreams he is at a family function and she is standing there smiling at him. With Justine, I had been to a psychic (that whole story is another blog) and the psychic said she had only been to visit one person. When I got home Justine told me that she had a dream that my mother came to her and said she loved her and was very proud of her. When these things happen, you know that she came to them, its a knowing, like when you know its the Holy Spirit. She visited my sister, and she could smell her perfume. I love all of this because it really makes me feel like she is still with us. But....I rarely dream anymore, and I was wondering if she would ever show up in one of my dreams. Well could I have one of those dreams..........LOL noooooooo! My dream is this. My mother comes to me and says, "your father died". I said, Mom I'm looking at him and he's fine. My Dad says, oh no I'm dead, I willed it. Ok now in my dream I have this really confused look on my face because I can feel the look on my face(brow furrowed, one eyebrow know the look) and my mother says you have to help me take him with me. So all of a sudden we are in this building walking down a really wide hall, like in a mall, and there are these rooms with hospital beds in them on the left. There are doubles and some singles, some have people in them and some don't. I'm thinking this can't be heaven, or the waiting place until heaven. My dad says "do you think we can get a room together"? I'm thinking...this is not right then I look to my right and its like a food court, and I said to the cashier at one of the places, do you work here? and she said yes there is alot of work to do. I said to my mom, there is a cafeteria here? and she gave me one of her looks when she doesn't particularly like something and said, yeah its not that good. END OF DREAM. I think I got ripped, this was a dream of confusion and weirdness lol, oh wait thats just like my life.
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I have dreamed her twice. The first time I got to tell her some things I wanted to tell her but didn't have the chance.
The second dream I did not see her, but she sent me a gift and it was a hershey's kiss in a small gift wrapped box, and the note had her handwritting on it and it said, "Just wanted to send you a kiss. Love-Grandmother"
I laughed cause I can hear Grampa saying "Oh yes, I'm dead." And I can hear her saying "It's not that good." And I remember that look.
I miss her all the time.
I am laughing so hard right now because I can hear you telling this story, and the expressions on your face are priceless! =)
Yeah, you got jipped.'s a great dream, because maybe you're the only one who really gets their sense of humor, and so that's why she chose to visit you like that.
Just trying to help...
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